Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

10 Health Benefits of Watermelon

10 Health Benefits of Watermelon

The watermelon is one of the juiciest fruits on earth. It contains a very large quantity of water which brings about a cooling effect especially during the summer season. A watermelon is very rich in potassium, carotenoid, sodium antioxidants, lycopene, Vitamin A, B1, B6 and C, magnesium, citrulline, amino acids, arginine and other phytonutrients.
It therefore goes without saying that it's health benefits are many. Below are some of the major ones...
1. It controls the blood pressure
The high amounts of potassium and magnesium in the fruit ensure that it reduces the blood pressure. This is also made possible by the present carotenoids that work by preventing the hardening of the veins and arteries' walls.
2. Strengthens the immune system
In addition to magnesium and potassium, watermelons are also a great source of thiamin which protects the body from many diseases.
3. Neutralizes free radicals
They contain anti-oxidants that travel throughout the body neutralizing free radicals thus preventing against colon cancer, prostate cancer, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases and stroke.
4. Reduces the risk of kidney disorders
Potassium that is present in watermelons is crucial in the toxic deposition from the kidneys. It also reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood thus reducing the formation of calculi in the kidneys.
5. Cooling effect
It has a special cooling effect and is exceptionally high in citrulline, an amino acid used by our bodies to make another amino acid, known as arginine, which is used in the urea cycle to remove ammonia from the body.
6. Prevents macular degeneration
Beta-carotene and the vitamin C in the fruit both protect the eyes from macular degeneration thus promoting a sharp vision and ensuring that our eyes stay healthy
7. Improves cardiac functions
watermelon is also famous for its high lycopene abundance. It is the one that gives the fruit its characteristic red colour. This carotenoid, beta-carotene and the anti-oxidants properties in the fruit work together towards ensuring that our hearts remain young and free from age related cardiac problems
8. Good for diabetes
They are good supply of low energy and low sugar diets which ease the inflammation in diabetic people. They also promote the proper functioning of the insulin which further reduces the blood sugar levels. Arginine also enhances the impact of insulin on sugar
9. Good for energy production
A watermelon is rich in vitamin B1 and B6 which are essential for energy production.
10. Prevents impotence
The presence of arginine in watermelons is also beneficial in curing erectile dysfunctions.

How to Balance Your Body

How to Balance Your Body

Just this morning I had a lady come into my office who was suffering from symptoms connected to her menopause. She said, "I can't sleep, I wake up every few hours and I am burned up, I sweat so much I feel like I am sleeping in a sauna bath and it's been going on for months.
We went over her medical history and she reported that she has a cold right now, but doesn't want to take any medicine, no matter if it's natural or not.
She reported having a chronic back problem and doesn't want address it either.
She also said that she is gaining weight and is really depressed about that but not willing to change her diet.
She said, "I drink coffee all day and I am not willing to change my coffee drink habits at all! I love my coffee, and will drink 6 to 7 cups a day.
It sounds to me that she loves her habits much more than her sleep, her health, or the way she looks. There is a mental emotional imbalance here and she isn't willing to look at it.
There are many different ways to treat illness and balance the body and mind. Our body and mind are so tightly coupled you would be amazed how much one affects the other. There is a scientific name for it; it's called psycho-neuro immunology.
There is now a huge body of published evidence documenting at the neurological and biochemical level, how states of mind such as anxiety, depression and anger affect the functioning of immune system.
This patient really didn't want to hear about that either. I didn't tell dare tell her this in her delicate state, but I'll tell you.
That coffee habit she has is warming up her entire body, as well as over stimulating her mind and is a stronga diuretic. Coffee has been used to stimulate the mind and wake you up. It's also considered a mental stimulant, but if you are having extreme night sweets it's a No, No.
If the coffee isn't organic they are using poisonous herbicide and pesticide sprays. If you think decaf is a good alternative, wake up and smell the coffee. Petroleum based solvents are used to make the stuff and it's not the best for your health.
Let's get back to the patient; she drinks coffee all day long, caffeinated until 3 or 4 in the afternoon and decaf at night.
She can't sleep why?
According to Chinese medicine she is damaging the water element the kidneys and bladder. The excess of coffee can be acting as a diuretic injuring the balance between fire and water that's the yin, yang balance of the body.
When there is an imbalance in the water element the fire element goes wild. As we all know if you make a fire the heat will rise. In the body if there is too much heat it goes upward as well and will disturb the mind, hence the insomnia. Too much heat could be the cause of the excess sweating as well. If she wants to get back to a good nights sleep she needs to cut down on her beloved coffee and start loving herself.
When we practice Qi Gong and meditation a few great things happen. We cool the body down. This relaxes the mind and will allow for a better nights sleep as well as harmonizing the balance of our fire and water element.

Getting Spider Vein Treatment on Your Tired Legs

Getting Spider Vein Treatment on Your Tired Legs

There are many things that can appear on your legs that make them less attractive. Many of them are preventable and treatable. There are ways to get spider vein treatment to give your legs a younger look.
These unattractive blue ones are blood vessels that have dilated over time by pressure that is put on them. They are similar to varicose veins, but are smaller, and are usually located around the knee, but can be anywhere. It is very common and is believed that around eighty-four percent or people have them, mostly on their right legs. They do not typically cause any medical problems, but can be corrected if you do not want them anymore.
No one really knows why some people get it and others do not, but research has shown that they may be genetic. It is also believed that if you spend a lot of time on your feet, you are more prone to get them. If you have recurrent swelling, heavy, and tired legs, you may be a good candidate for spider vein treatment.
If you are prone to this unsightly problem, there are ways that you can lower your risk, but not totally prevent them. This can be done by watching your weight and not being on your feet for a long time each day, wearing support stockings when you have to stand for a long time, and don't cross your legs while sitting. Taking a short walk each day does not hurt either. You should also put your feet up when you are resting, wear sunscreen while you are outside enjoying the sun's rays, and have any varicose veins treated so that the pressure can be lessened on them and more do not show up.
If you think you should seek spider vein treatment, there are two main options that you need to research to help you decide what is best for you. One of them is sclerotherapy, where the ones to be treated are injected with a special solution that causes them to collapse and appear more normal. This is the most common and most patients see positive results. Another popular treatment is through the use of lasers. This treatment is usually used on the smaller red veins as they are harder to inject with solution.
It is not necessary, however, that you have spider vein treatment. If they are not causing you any problems or pain, and you don't mind the looks of them, then leave them alone as not having them treated is not going to cause any problems.
If your legs could use spider vein treatment, NJ is home to a facility that can help you find solutions:

Trigger Finger Causes and Treatment

Trigger Finger Causes and Treatment

The hand and wrist are often susceptible to overuse injuries, especially those who perform repetitive tasks related to sports activities or various occupations. One common condition that may arise as noted above is trigger finger, which is characterized by restricted movement in one or more fingers in the hand. With this repetitive use injury the affected finger typically becomes stuck in the bent, or flexed position.
Trigger finger, medically termed stenosing tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the finger tendon sheath located in the palm of the hand and can be present in any of the fingers or even the thumb. The tendons in the hand are encased in a layer of tissue called a sheath, which allows the tendon to glide easily as the finger is bent and straightened. The action is similar to a bicycle's brake cable sliding within the outer casing as the brake lever is depressed and then released. However, at times the sheath may become inflamed, causing a restricted gliding action.
Generally the hand will be able to close and grasp objects without difficulty, but when the fingers are straightened, the tendon will become stuck within the sheath, leaving one bent finger. The person will then usually exert more force to straighten the finger, causing the tendon to snap through the sheath and rapidly straighten. The connotation is that of the hammer on a firearm snapping closed, and is where trigger finger gets its common name.
What causes Trigger Finger?
Trigger Finger is generally caused from repetitive use of the fingers. Those individuals whose occupations require repeated and forceful grasping of tools such as tradesmen may be susceptible to this injury. Others such as rock climbers, with their forceful use of the finger flexors, are also at risk.
Clinically, this condition is generally seen in those between 40-60 years of age and it is more common in women than in men. Those individuals with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis may be at increased risk for developing trigger finger. Because it is an inflammatory condition, trigger finger usually produces local pain over the affected area in addition to the hallmark trigger effect. You may also feel a small bump in the palm of the hand where the tendon is inflamed.
The first step in treating trigger finger is to see a physician who specializes in hand injuries. Your doctor will be able to diagnose the extent of the injury and guide you toward the most effective treatments, reducing recovery time.
How is Trigger Finger Treated?
Conservative steps such as anti-inflammatory medications and rest are usually advocated initially. However, if the condition persists, your doctor usually will treat with a steroid injection, which is a much more potent anti-inflammatory. This is a highly effective treatment modality for most patients and relief may last several months or longer. Should symptoms return after the injection wears off, surgical release of the tendon sheath may be indicated. This is a minimally invasive day surgery in which the sheath is widened, allowing the tendon to glide freely through the previously restricted area. This procedure has excellent long-term success and potential to return to 100% functional use of the hand.
There is usually a quick recovery time and post-operative physical therapy is not always needed. However, if you have had trigger finger for a long time, then there may be some underlying stiffness in the finger joints themselves. Should this be the case, your doctor may refer you to a therapist who specializes in hand rehabilitation in order to expedite recovery and full range of motion in the hand.
Visit Dr. Ruhlman online to read more about him and to contact him for an appointment. Dr. Scott Ruhlman offers hand, shoulder, and elbow surgery to the seattle area.

Healthy Meal Choices for Truck Drivers

Healthy Meal Choices for Truck Drivers

Over the road trucker and healthy diet. No, this is not a game of "What Two Things Don't Go Together." It's a serious subject, and it's getting more critically important. Statistics are telling us that the stereotype of the overweight driver with "trucker gut" isn't a myth. Recent statistics show that 80% of over the road truck drivers are overweight and a whopping 50% are sliding into the obese category. It's actually shortening the lifespans of the folks who work so hard to deliver nearly everything the country needs. According to the Center for Disease Control, the life span of the average truck driver is an alarming 16% less than the average American.
Given those grim sounding numbers, what's a truck driver to do? Most truckers can't go hit the gym for an hour every day, and thinking you have to live on a diet of "sticks and berries" is downright depressing. Fortunately, there's a solution. It just takes a little planning, a bit of education about nutrition and an adjustment or two.
A good way to help plan what you're going to eat when you're on the road is to think, "What can I bring from home?" or "What could I pick up at a grocery store that's good portable fuel?" There are a lot of healthy, tasty options such as small bags of nuts, raisins, granola and dark chocolate chips. It's also important not to eat snacks straight out of a big bag or box. You can eat your way through a thousand calories before you know it.
There are a lot of basic things you can bring along that are satisfying snack alternatives. Pack healthy options like whole grain bread, peanut butter, cheese sticks, carrots and easy to eat fresh fruit like apples and bananas. If you like fresh vegetables like peppers, celery and other high fiber veggies, they're great for satisfy the need to be chewing something without piling on the calories and sugar. If you have a mini-fridge in your truck or have room for a cooler, it opens up an entire world of health friendly foods you can take on the road.
Here are some easy guidelines to make healthy meal choices easier:
- Choose lean meats like skinless chicken breast and fish.
- Choose grilled or roasted, not battered or fried.
- Think salads. But, watch out for high-calorie and fat laden creamy dressings. Ask for the dressing on the side. It gives you control over amounts.
- Be aware of all those popular starches like white bread and dinner rolls, potatoes and white rice. They aren't friendly to your waistline and don't provide much in the way of nutrition besides carbs and calories.
- When you do eat carbs, think complex carbohydrates. Whole grain breads, whole grain pastas, brown rice and oatmeal are made from the whole grain kernel. They provide more nutrition and are higher in fiber. That's why they do a better job of satisfying your appetite.
- Learn to read labels. If it doesn't specifically say "whole grain" it probably isn't. Learn to read grams of fat and sodium and know what they mean.
That may seem like a lot to digest, no pun intended, but understanding more about the foods we eat will make it easier to be aware of what and how much we put in our mouth. That doesn't mean everyone has to become a nutritionist, but a little learning can go a long way.
Over-the-road truck drivers are what keeps this country supplied with just about everything we use. The country needs you and your families need you to be healthy and be around for a long time. So take care of yourself out there. You're worth it.
Bay & Bay Transportation, one of the largest trucking companies in Minnesota, provides transportation solutions and truck driver jobs in the Midwest and across the US.